The Sensor-Accelerated Intelligent Learning (SAIL) Laboratory

The Sensor-Accelerated Intelligent Learning (SAIL) research lab is led by Dr. Jiaqi Gong at the University of Alabama.

SAIL Lab is dedicated to inventing, developing and applying robust, adaptive and efficient cyber-physical-social systems through innovative insights and methodologies of human-centered computing and artificial intelligence with a provable guarantee to understand, examine and advance the relationship between human and technology. We have a variety of projects going on in the lab examining a wide range of human systems.

Positions available at all levels (PhD, Master, and especially undergraduates). We welcome applicants with backgrounds in (i) Computing: computer science / informatics / machine learning, and/or (ii) Engineering: signals and systems.

Graduate applications can be submitted via a variety of CS graduate programs (link).
All applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Gong (

Jiaqi Gong is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Alabama (UA). He is also an affiliated co-Investigator at the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) at Baltimore, Maryland, funded by NIDILRR. Before joining UA, he was an assistant professor in the Department of Information Systems at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He got his Ph.D. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. His research interest focuses on the convergence of human and artificial intelligence that spans the area of smart and connected health, cyber-physical systems, and human-centered computing. Specifically, he focuses on inventing, developing, and applying mobile and wearable computing systems to examine and understand the coupled relationship between humans and intelligent systems towards advancing human capabilities: perceptual and cognitive, physical, and virtual. He has published 15 peer-reviewed journal papers and 34 peer-reviewed conference papers (first or corresponding author in 25 of them). Among these publications, 8 of them have been selected as best paper awards or finalists at top-level international conferences in smart and connected health. Furthermore, recognition of his research achievements by the scholarly community is evidenced by an NIH RERC award (as co-Principal Investigator, 2020-2025), an NIH R01 award (as Principal Investigator, 2019-2023), an NSF STTR award (as Senior Personnel, 2015), and an NIH scholarship in mobile health (2015). For more information, please check his CV in detail.